eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (2024)

It’s been a month since the 2023 version of Konami’s most popular soccer title, eFootball, was released for mobile devices. The Developers had earlier announced that they would be revamping each and every aspect of this game so as to create a revolutionary football experience for the fans. In this eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide, we are going to do a detailed walkthrough of all the new in-game additions and share some valuable tips for users to get the most out of playing eFootball.

Table Of Contents

  1. Introducing the Events of eFootball 2023
    • eFootball League
    • Online quick match
  2. Contracts and Player card types
    • 1. Nominating Contract
    • 2. Chance Deal
  3. Player Card Types
    • 1. Legendary Players
    • 2. Trending Players
    • 3. Featured Players
    • 4. Base Player Cards
  4. Focus on Player Development and Team Building
    • Level Training Programs
    • Progression points
    • Team Building
  5. Use Contract Renewal tickets to revive your Legendary Players
  6. Understanding the in-game currencies
  7. eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks
    • 1. Sign a Manager based on the Tactical Ability of your players
    • 2. Avoid playing against online users if your Team Playstyle is less than 90
    • 3. Do not miss out on the Objectives section
    • 4. Release all Duplicates and unwanted players from your squad
    • 5. Resource management
      • Coins
      • eFootball Points
      • Contract Renewal Tickets
    • 6. Fixing the issue with player Stamina
    • 7. Normalize Playing with a Standard Player Squad
  8. Other miscellaneous tips
  9. Final Thoughts

From the Starter event created especially for new users to AI matches against teams from featured leagues, users can take part in a variety of events that correspond with the real-life football season.

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (1)

Additionally, the ongoing eFootball Championship Open is a special online round-based event that earns users eFootball Points and promotes them to the next round only after completing all the challenges set in the former round.

eFootball League

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (2)

This is a Division-based league, where users from around the globe battle it out using their Dream Teams. Each phase lasts for 28 Days, during which you will be playing matches repeatedly with the aim of progressing to the highest Division possible. At the end of a Phase, rewards will be awarded according to the highest Division reached. Rankings will be reset and a new Phase begins.

Online quick match

It is a casual online PvP mode, where you battle it out against users around the world. These matches will not be counted toward your match records.

Contracts and Player card types

The contract is similar to an in-game transfer window that allows users to sign players and their favorite manager to strengthen their Dream Team. Besides spending Coins and GPs, you can sign players using two special in-game items known as Nominating Contracts and Chance Deals. Before getting into the Player Card types and the ways to sign them, let us briefly know about these two Special in-game assets.

1. Nominating Contract

Nominating Contracts are an in-game asset that allows users to sign a random player from a list of players that have been lined up for this deal. Simply putting it, Nominating Contracts are nothing but Special Player Packs that consist of certain players belonging to the same star rating.

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (3)

There are 4 types of Nominating Contracts corresponding to the number of stars that Players hold. They are:

  • 2-Star Nominating Contract: Can be used to sign a Player that is 2-Star or below.
  • 3-Star Nominating Contract: Can be used to sign a Player that is 3-Star or below.
  • 4-Star Nominating Contract: Can be used to sign a Player that is 4-Star or below.
  • 5-Star Nominating Contract: Can be used to sign a Player that is 5-Star or below.

You can pick any player of your choice from these Special Packs, depending upon the number and type of Nominating Contract Tickets that you have.

2. Chance Deal

Chance Deal is an in-game item that allows users to sign a random player card (Legendary/Standard/Featured), from the list of players lined up for the Chance Deal Pack. Simply put, you get one free attempt to sign a player from a Special Player Pack or a Partner Club Pack if you own a Chance Deal for that pack.

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (4)

While Legendary and Featured Chance Deals can be claimed for free, you can earn a Club Pack Chance Deal by taking part in special in-game Campaigns concerning that Club.

Player Card Types

Let us now look at the various Player Card Types and the ways to sign them.

1. Legendary Players

These are Special Player Cards of retired Legends who have had a glorious footballing career and current players who had put up a stellar performance in a particular match/season. You can go for them using eFootball Coins, Special Chance Deals, and eFootball Points(you can nominate anyone from the list of players available for signing through eFootball Points).

2. Trending Players

Users who have played this game in the previous seasons might be knowing about Player Of Week(POTW) cards. Trending Players are nothing but a re-branded version of those POTW Cards. Selective Players who have put on a fabulous show during a particular week in a season, appear in the Trending Player Pack in that week. They appear as Nominating Contract Packs only.

3. Featured Players

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (5)

Similar to the concept of Featured Player Cards in the previous seasons, these are playing cards that have been lined up for signing based on their performance during the current season. You can go for them using eFootball Coins, Special Chance Deals, and eFootball Points (you can nominate anyone from the list of players available for signing through eFootball Points).

4. Base Player Cards

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They have been re-branded as Standard Player Cards in eFootball 2023. Their rating/OVR is based on their overall performance in the current season. Ratings are live and may change after in-game updates based on that player’s performance graph. You can sign any Standard player card that you want in eFootball 2023 by spending a certain number of GPs depending on the OVR and star rating of the player. Additionally, they can be acquired from Chance Deals.

Focus on Player Development and Team Building

An important aspect of eFootball 2023 is Player Development. As we stated earlier, you can build your own Dream side by signing Players from the Contract section. While Trending Player cards are signed at max level, the other playing cards are signed at a lower level and need to be leveled up. Those who have played the previous editions are familiarized with the concept of Trainers.

Back then you just needed to load the trainers that you earned, on your players to increase their OVR and max them out. In eFootball 2023, besides leveling up your players, you need to customize them as per your Team Playstyle so as to suit your Team’s needs. That is, which attributes of the player you want to develop is all on you now. To develop your Players, you need the help of two in-game assets, Level Training Programs, and Progression Points.

Level Training Programs

Level Training Program is an in-game asset/resource that allows users to level up their player cards. In order to level, players need to accumulate Experience Points. Feeding them with Level Training Programs, earn them experience points that allow them to level up. Level Training Programs can be easily earned by just playing the game and releasing your unwanted players.

Progression points

Till this point, everything is similar to what it was in the previous editions. However, in eFootball 2023, the overall rating of the Player does not change on its own. Instead, he receives something known as Progression Points. You need to use those Progression Points for boosting his individual stats.

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That is, it is you who have to decide which attributes of the Player you want to develop and use progression points on only those attributes. For instance, if your player is a Striker, your primary goal should be to develop his Shooting, Dexterity, Dribbling, and Lower Body Strength.

Team Building

Team Building and Player Development go hand-in-hand. You must not only develop the individual statistics of your player but also make him compatible with your Coach’s Playstyle. That is what Team Building is all about. Earlier in PES, all your squad members delivered the same in-game performance irrespective of the Playstyle.

But now, to enhance your overall team strength as a unit, you must ensure that all your squad members are proficient in the same Playstyle i.e., the Playstyle of your coach. You have to use Progression Points in another section known as Team Playstyle Proficiency.

For instance, if the Playstyle of your coach is Possession Game, then under the Team Playstyle Proficiency, you need to spend your Progression Points on the Possession Game Attribute and take that up to 99 at least. You will find out that the OVR rating of the player, as well as the Team OVR(Team Playstyle), will increase when you place that player in your Dream squad next.

Use Contract Renewal tickets to revive your Legendary Players

Contract Renewal Ticket is an in-game asset that allows users to renew the contracts of their Expired Players. Now, when we say expired players, we mean the Legendary Player Cards that you signed last season. Both Legend and Iconic Moment Cards are together termed as Legendary Cards this season with the card designs being the differentiator.

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As a jump login bonus, existing users have received as many Contract Renewal Tickets, as the number of Iconic Moment Cards that they owned in PES 2021. Additionally, the game has also gifted 10 free Contract Renewal Tickets to every user. Each Contract Renewal Ticket spent, would increase the Contract of your Expired Cards to 60 days. That is, you have to renew your Legendary Player Cards every 60 days to be able to use them in Matches.

However, if you sign a new Legendary Player Card this season, he would be holding a 60-Day Contract by default. The contract needs to be renewed again after 60 Days to be able to re-use that card. As discussed earlier, Standard Player Cards come with a 365-day Contract, from their date of signing. You need to purchase Contract Renewal Tickets from the eFootball Shop when you run out of them.

Understanding the in-game currencies

The Game offers eFootball Coins (previously known as just Coins), GP, and eFootball Points as in-game assets. Each one of these resources comes with different utilities. Let us know them:

In-Game CurrencyUtilityHow to acquire them
eFootball CoinsIt is a basic in-game currency that can be used to sign players from the Special Player List(i.e., Legendary and Featured Player Packs can be opened using eFootball Coins).

Additionally, it can also be used to unlock Special Ambassador and Club Packs from Objectives(during Special Campaigns).

1. Can be obtained from Special Login Campaigns.
2. Can be acquired as Objective Completion rewards during Special Campaigns.
3. Can be purchased from the Shop.
GPIt is another in-game currency that can be used to sign Standard Player Cards and Managers from Contract.1. Can be obtained as Daily Login Bonus.
2. By Completing certain in-game objectives.
3. Participating in Dream Team Matches.
eFootball PointseFootball Points can be used to exchange Players and various in-game items like Contract Tickets and Level Training Programs from the eFootball Shop.1. Can be obtained from Daily Login Bonus and Special Login Campaigns.
2. Can be acquired as Objective Completion Rewards.
3. Participating in eFootball Championship Open Events.
4. Spectating eFootball Championship Pro, Live on YouTube. Make sure to use the in-game link to navigate to the video.

After playing the game for the past month, here is our bonus guide for beginners to quickly assemble their Game Plan and make the most out of eFootball 2023.

1. Sign a Manager based on the Tactical Ability of your players

Previously, we have talked about making your Players compatible with the Playstyle of your Manager. Now, what if we paint the reverse picture? Every player has a Team Playing Style just like your manager. Say for instance if you have Beckenbauer as one of your players. If you check his stats, you will find that he has a Long Ball attribute of 70 ratings and a Possession attribute with 75 Ratings. So, if you want to play Beckenbauer in your 11, you need to choose a manager that has Possession Game as Team Playstyle.

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That is, choose a manager depending on the highest tactical ability of your player. Now, a team cannot be built on a single player. So, next time when you sign a new player, it is better to be clear about which tactic you want to play with and choose the player/manager you want to sign accordingly.

It is also important that you do research on all the Playstyles before selecting a Manager. Say if you are playing with Quick Counter Strategy, your players would tend to pressure aggressively as soon as you lose the ball. So, if your squad members lack pace and stamina you will struggle in Online PVP matches. A possession Game is a better option in this scenario.

2. Avoid playing against online users if your Team Playstyle is less than 90

Your players earn Experience Points with each game depending on your Coach’s Affinity with the Players. If your Team Playstyle Level/OVR is anything below 90 your team members earn very less Experience Points with each Game and would perform horrendously in Online Matches.

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So, be patient and feed Progression Points to your players whenever possible and take your Team Playstyle to at least 90 before going for Online Matchmakings. If the initial Team Playstyle when you sign a manager and field a team under him is anything less than 70, we would suggest you discard that Game Plan and go with a different approach.

3. Do not miss out on the Objectives section

Objectives are the most important element in any game. This is because, on completion, these Objectives reward users with additional in-game assets/players. There are various types of Objectives in eFootball 2023, starting from career objectives that can be cleared by reaching certain milestones in your career, in terms of matches played, goals scored, clean sheets maintained, and other in-game tasks.

Secondly, there are Weekly Objectives that rotate in and out of the game every Thursday. Essentially the same set of challenges comes every week. To simplify things for you, you need to perform the following tasks every week:

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (11)
  • Conduct Level Training and Player Progression on at least one Player.
  • Play at least 2 Tour Event and Challenge Event Games(win at least one game from each event).
  • Score 4 goals each in Tour and Challenge Event Game.

Additionally, the game would often roll out limited-time Campaign objectives that earn users loads of in-game resources in the form of Virtual Currencies and other assets. (like the one running right now). Hence, make sure to keep an eye on the Objectives section so that you can capitalize on them.

4. Release all Duplicates and unwanted players from your squad

Previously, if you had 3 duplicate versions of a player card, the game allowed you to trade him for another non-duplicate Standard Player Card (then known as Base Cards). Now, duplicates have no utility. They cannot be traded and moreover, you can sign any Standard Player that you want now by just investing a certain number of GPs. So, we suggest you release all duplicates from your side as it rewards you with the much-needed Level Training Programs that help your squad members to level up and earn Progression Points.

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (12)

Additionally, if you have different versions of the same Legendary Player Card, it is most likely that they have been clubbed to a single version. We would advise you to keep one Legend Version and Iconic Moment Version of a particular Player card (the gold and pink background on the Legendary cards being the differentiator) and release all the duplicate cards.

5. Resource management

Resource management is another important aspect of any game.


Unfortunately, till now there is no in-game event that lets you earn coins in eFootball 2023. Coins can be earned only from daily login bonuses and from the limited-time Premium Objectives campaign running now. After adding 150 players to the Legendary Player Packs, the probability of signing a Legendary player from those packs has gone down significantly.

Hence refrain from spending your coins on Legendary Player Packs every week. Instead, wait for the Legendary Pack of your favorite pack or if you have coins, go for the Premium Ambassador Packs as they guarantee a Legendary player along with a bunch of other talents of the same Playstyle.

eFootball Points

For now, there are only Standard Players in the eFootball Shop but it is likely that Legendary Players would also be added to the shop going ahead. Hence, do not take any hasty decisions in spending your eFootball Points as you would need them for buying Contract Tickets. Additionally, one must refrain from spending on Level Training Programs as they can be earned by just playing the game.

Contract Renewal Tickets

Sadly, the only way to acquire Contract Renewal Tickets right now is by exchanging them with your e-Football Points. Hence, look to give Contract to only those Legendary Players that would make it to your main squad. Do not renew the contracts of low-rated Legendary Players as they won’t make it to your Dream Squad.

6. Fixing the issue with player Stamina

Another issue that users must have felt by now is the issue with the Stamina of the Players. Most players tend to lose all their stamina in the first half itself, especially when you tend to attack aggressively. One solution could be substituting the drained-out players from the squad. But again, you can make only 3 substitutions per game. So next time when you do a Player Development, make sure to use some Progression Points in enhancing the Dexterity and Lower Body Strength of those players who are running low on Stamina. This would fix the issue somewhat.

7. Normalize Playing with a Standard Player Squad

With the probability of signing a Legendary Player going down owing to the scarcity of coins and the fact that your existing legendary players only hold a 60-day Contract after Renewal, this one’s a no-brainer. You may run out of Contract Tickets at one point owing to a lack of eFootball Points to exchange them with.

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Hence start playing with a squad consisting of Standard Player Cards more often and make this the new normal. Be informed that Standard Player cards can perform better than some of the Legendary Cards if you use the Progression Points under the right attributes.

Other miscellaneous tips

  • If you are a newbie, make sure to link your Konami ID with your Google Account first. This would serve three things. Firstly, it would back up your game data. Secondly, you need to link your Konami ID for exchanging items/players with eFootball Points. Last but not the least, you can earn eFootball Points from some out-of-game campaigns only if you have your ID linked.
  • Do not miss out on the Daily Login Deals.
  • Participate in the ongoing eFootball Championship Open Event for rewards in the form of eFootball Points.

Final Thoughts

Many users who have played the game in the previous editions are claiming this to be the weakest edition ever. However, we find these new additions quite realistic and good for the sport. The only negatives are the dearth of eFootball Coins this Season and the low probability of getting Legendary Players from the Pack.

If they introduce some matchdays or some other in-game event that gifts us eFootball Coins every week and fixes some of the bugs in gameplay, things would be much better. If you face any difficulties in your journey, you can always fall back on this eFootball 2023 Beginners guide for quick assistance.

eFootball 2023 Mobile: Progression Points Guide
eFootball 2023 Mobile: Contract Renewal Tickets Guide

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Beginners Guides eFootball KONAMI

eFootball 2023 Beginners Guide and Tips (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.